Q2 2022 Tasket Update: Move towards a freemium model

Tasket Team
3 min readMay 11, 2022

Jotaro Sera CEO | Tasket.me

Hi Tasket users, here in Thailand, we finally see things returning to normal. It’s refreshing to see the return of tourists in Bangkok! Many universities are finally bringing back their students to campus. We are happy to see students able to experience their university life fully.

Here are the agendas for the update:

  • Our new landing page
  • Launching our freemium model
  • Access period to the Pro features and Free trial

*Any users that are having trouble accessing our website due to caching issues, please get in touch with us, and we will support you in getting you back online.

Our new landing page

Check out our new home page here! We have kept our general design of keeping it simple and to the point. Our new colour theme, which reflects our focus on the young demographic, will soon be infused into our web application.

Under the hood, we also have shifted to using Next.js to improve website performance and SEO rankings. We have already seen a significant increase in traffic pre vs post update of your website.

We have simplified our services on our employer's page and added a pricing page to show our offering, which I will explain below.

Launching our freemium model

If you see our recent website version, you will see a crown mark next to our Pro features. The Pro features are as follows:

Talent Marketplace

We have focused on onboarding students from top universities. Our continuous flow of students has resulted from our strong awareness (a recent survey conducted by the Cambridge Consulting Network team shows over 60% awareness of Tasket in Chula Thammasat and Mahidol).

Our marketplace is the efficient and cost-effective solution to build your next-generation team. No more spending days far away from university campuses!

  1. Focused talent pool focusing on top universities — Majority being English speaking students and fresh grads from top faculty in Thailand and increasing talent returning from abroad.
  2. Only show active and completed profiles— Avoid ghost profiles and connect with active candidates looking for opportunities today.
  3. Unlimited access to profilesThere are no credits or limits on how many shapes you can view or message.

Job post search priority and custom social media posts

Although we plan to keep the job posting as a free feature as we want as many opportunities available for students.

Get job post search priority and additional promotional services to have your job post seen by the top candidates!

  1. Always have your job post be seen — With our search logic prioritising our active users, your job posts are constantly being shifted. With the pro feature, you can ensure your jobs post are visible no matter what device the candidates are on.
  2. Custom posts on our social media channels — We will create positions differentiated from our regular posts. Our team will also share the posts on our network to gain more visibility.
  3. Tasket review — For those who upgrade to our Pro feature, our team will create an article attached to all our job posts. We have seen an increased conversion rate for all clients we have written a Tasket review with in the past with candidates referring to the article.

Free access to all current users and a free trial period for all new users

Currently, accounts that created an account before the update (2nd May 2022) have access to Pro features. Please go to your settings > Plans and billing to check how many days you have access to the Pro features.

For new users, you can go to the Pro feature page by clicking the “Upgrade to Pro” button on the side nav bar and activate your free trial.

Closing thoughts

As we continue to build our platform to build a transparent and efficient platform for building the next generation team, we are always open to your feedback on our developments.

Please feel free to contact us anytime to give us suggestions to serve your needs better.

Have a great rest of the week!



Tasket Team

Our vision is to create a social impact career development platform for the next generation.